Face Massage Twice a Day at Home
To do a face massage you need an appropriate device for face massage, massage liquid (a lightweight face serum, for example) and 6 minutes time: 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes before going to bed.

As any other massage therapy, the face massage will rejuvenate your skin, giving it shine, oxygen and decreasing the effect of stress, lack of sleep or tiredness.
First you need to apply 1-1.5 cm of the liquid to your fingertips and then – to your face. Then apply the massage device, doing circular motions from the outer face contours inward. Do it for a minute.
The second movement needs you to open slightly your mouth and to apply the massage device on your chicks. Move the face massage device to lift the face skin up. Be careful with the pressure – it has to be gentle, for approximately one minute.
Then concentrate on the jawline: move the face massage device from the zone under the tongue sideward. This movement is very important for the lymphatic drainage. Continue for a minute.
When finished with the massage device you may relax the skin with gentle “tap-tap” motion for extra stimulation, using your fingers. Do it while moving around for less than 30 seconds.